St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church
Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Our Prayer Concerns

Our Heavenly Father encourages us to pray always and bring to him all that we have on our hearts.  We are to bring those things that lift us up and those things that weigh on us, God promises to hear our prayers and to help us.  The follwoing are people in our church family that are in need of special prayers.  We ask that you include them in your daily prayers, intercessions and thanksgivings.  If you have a special prayer request that you want included on the list please contact us by phone at 570-424-6049 or by email at  Please have request in by the friday of the week you would like your request mentioned in our service; also please put "Our Prayer Concerns" in the subject line of your email. Thank you.
Alma Heidemann
Bernie Continelli
Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, comfort of the sad and strength to those who suffer.  Let the prayers of your children rise to you.  Mercifully hear our prayers on behalf of _____________________.
To everyone in distress grant mercy, give them strength of mind and let your Holy Angels watch over them.  In Your love give us all this through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.